The 2009 Springfield brevets successfully concluded this Saturday. I would not have been surprised if no one showed to ride the
300K because the forecast was for an 80% chance of rain and thunderstorms, but we had 5 riders. One rider was there when I pulled into the parking lot of York Elementary School at 5:00. We left at 6:00 with a few sprinkles and a favoring southeast wind. While the forecast was accurate as the day progressed, fortunately it did not rain everywhere at the same time. I rode off and on with Nancy and Mike Myers for the first 100 miles, and we did not hit our first good rain until we were about 10 miles outside of Jasper, MO, the second control. At the Jasper control, Nancy left half a sandwich on the seat of their tandem, and a dog took off with it.
We were at the Joplin control, just short of 100 miles, at 11:15, but then we turned into the wind for the 90 miles back to Springfield. I was able to stay with the Myers for a few miles out of town because there were some hills. We ran into an unexpected obstacle: a small bridge replacement project. We walked around it, and then the Myers were off across the flat lands. The last time I saw them was when I rode into Pierce City, about 16:30, as they were riding away. It started to rain again while I was at the control, but it was short lived. I made it to the Casey's in Aurora well before dark, which had been my main goal because I know the farm roads east of there.
I was about 13 miles out when a cold rain started to fall. I only had a cotton jacket and fingerless gloves, but I was also wearing a short-sleeve wool jersey. While my arms and hands were cold, my core stayed warm. I pulled into the final control at 22:20 where I was greeted by my friends and fellow cyclists Rae and Doug Nickell and Tom Barnett. They were also there to greet the Myers who arrived at 21:10. The other two riders did not finish.
Again, thanks to John Jost, the
St. Louis RBA, for letting me to hold the 200K and 300K brevets in Springfield this year.
Nancy & Mike Myers on Historic Route 66

Alba, MO, at 85 miles out

This will stop cars, but

Not randonneurs!