Yesterday morning, Doug, Tom, Rae, Neil, Charlie, Tony and I rode out to Ash Grove to have breakfast at Willy B's. In a couple of places we could have used a boat. There were nice ponds over FR 104, between FR 103 and FR 115, and over FR 94, between FR 53 and FR 61. It looks like the ponds may be there for some time, particularly if it continues to rain every other day. We had to back track a few miles to get around the ponds, but no one really cared because it was a lovely day to ride. The sun was out and the wind was minimal, which was refreshing considering the constant headwinds we seem to have had this spring.
FR 94
Posts to the blog have been sparse lately, but we have been riding. I rode the Ride of Silence on May 21. The ride started from downtown Springfield and looped through the center part of the city. There were about 15 riders.
Ride of Silence
Tom and I rode the 50-mile route of the Breast Cancer ride on June 14. I rode down from the house and crossed bridge over the Lake Springfield dam. The water on the downstream side of the dam was close to the same level as the upstream side. I rode back on the greenway trail through the nature center. There was some minor flooding on the trail, but I was able to ride through because it was shallow, standing water.
I also rode with The Pedal Group a couple times. They ride from Praise Assembly Church, on North Glenstone, at 1:30 PM on Sundays. They generally ride east to Strafford (about 21 miles round trip), but some times go on longer rides. Buck Van Hooser is the organizer. Riding from the house, it is about 32 miles.