I did not ride on the greenway the entire distance. I don't like the greenway street crossings at Grant and Fort, so I ride on Sunset. There are two traffic lanes and a parking lane with few parked cars, which allow plenty of passing room for cars, although traffic was light today. There was only one jogger on the greenway east of Close Memorial Park. Someone had put a red shawl on the statue of Anne Case Drummond in the park, and there was a man keeping her company as he fed the ducks.
There were more joggers and dog walkers west of the the park, and I almost ran into a jogger who was on the right but cut across on the left at a curve. I had yelled, "On the left", but the volume on his ipod was too loud. He realized his error when I came by on his right and yelled an apology. This segment of the greenway is only six miles long. There is another paved segment further south that will be connected in the future. I don't know if the trail off the end of this paved section connects or not. It was getting late, so I headed home.
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