The ride started in Battlefield at 7:00 AM, but Doug, Rae, Tom, Neil and I rode to the start, which added over 12 miles for me each way. I rode over to Doug and Rae's house and arrived at about 6:10 AM. The skies were clear but it was cool, and I wore my rain jacket hoping to ward off the rain forecasted for later in the day. Doug and Rae then decided to bring their rain gear along too. Tom showed up about 6:15 AM and we headed out. Neil caught up with us about halfway to Battlefield.
We rode into Battlefield about 6:55 AM, just in time to register and take off my rain jacket because the rising sun had warmed things up. We headed out about 7:05 AM into the hills and fog south of Battlefield towards Nixa. From Nixa, we headed west to Clever and the second rest stop with boiled potatoes, pickles and home-baked cookies. We continued west through Billings. Just west of Billings, the 50-mile route headed north and the 70-mile route to the south. Neil had to get back early, so he headed north. At Tom's urging the rest of us headed south. Marionville was the western most town on the route, and there was another rest stop in the City park. We passed back through Billings before it started to rain and I put my rain gear back on. The final rest stop was at the Republic Community Center where there were more boiled potatoes and pickles. It was still raining when we pulled into the finish back in Battlefield. The Unlauf family treated us to great lunch of pork chops, deep-fried new potatoes and green beans.
The rain had stopped when we headed north for home. Doug had a slight mishap on a slick bridge on the greenway trail and Rae had a flat tire, so we were delayed getting back. Overall it was a great ride.
Chris the tri-athlete
Riding east through the fog
Doug, Tom, Rae and Neil
Buck, Tom and Doug passing through the Marionville Square