But I am just a pilgrim on this road, boys
Until I see you fare thee well
-Steve Earle, Pilgrim

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Remarkable Tale of the 3-Legged Dog

Saturday, Dan Pfaff and I rode the Bolton's 115K permanent. At the Fair Grove Kum & Go, we met an eastbound TransAmerica Bicycle Trail rider. He had ridden the Western Express Bicycle Trail from San Francisco and connected with the TransAmerica in Pueblo, CO. He needed to be back in San Francisco by August 25 for a wedding, so he is really going to have to ride some long days to make it to Yorktown, VA. As we headed west, we were surprised that all the dogs we usually encounter seemed to be on vacation. We were disappointed we did not met any more TransAmerica riders.

The lack of dogs on Saturday was made up on Sunday when we rode the Marshfield Mash 112K
permanent. It was sprinkling when I left the house at 05:45, but it was just a local shower. We did not experience any more rain. We had overcast skies the entire ride, keeping the temperature down. We made good time to Marshfield via Rogersville. The several dogs that chased us helped to speed us along. We were a couple miles down KK Highway on the return from Marshfield when I was surprised by a large dog charging across the road. When the dog seemed to see Dan, who was behind me, it stopped and head back right into the path of an on-coming car. There was a loud whump, and the dog went flying about 20 yards into the ditch. The speed limit is 55 miles per hour, so I assume the car was doing close to that.

We stopped to give the driver our telephone numbers in case he needed witnesses for his insurance claim. The front of the car was pretty banged up. Suddenly, we realized that the dog had lifted its head. We went to the house across the road where the dog had charged from, but no one was home. We started back across the road to check on the dog when it leaped up on three legs and started to hobble away towards another house. He definitely had only one rear leg, and he had not lost the other one in this accident. Since the dog did not seem to want to have anything to do with us, the driver said he would try to find the owner and we departed. We will be back to Marshfield in a few weeks, and I would like to think we will see the dog again. Maybe it will stay in its yard next time.

Sorry about no pictures. The camera has been dropped too many times and is not working.

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